Wiregrass Georgia Technical College

1 Dec 14

Dr. Tina Anderson, President of Wiregrass invited me to meet with her staff to talk military about their military and veteran initiatives.  Wiregrass enjoys a tremendous relationship with Moody AFB and offers many diploma, certificate and degree programs on base.  See http://www.wiregrass.edu/admissions/military.php for more details. Wiregrass is also one of only two approved technical colleges within Georgia authorized to administer the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council (MSSC) tests for Certified Production Technicians – a program for front-line manufacturing and includes five assessments: Safety; Quality & Measurement; Manufacturing Processes and Production; Maintenance Awareness; and Green Production; & the Certified Logistics Technician – a program is for front-line material handling.    A VA-funding approved certification, Wiregrass is able and willing to travel to installations across the state to administer the test.  As Georgia is a state with many military logisticians, Wiregrass is poised to help this population gain the certification necessary to move into civilian logistics positions.

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